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Netherlands' Dilemma: Soft Drugs vs. Narco-State

The Dutch government pursues an approach that recognizes that the usage of illicit substances is an unavoidable part of life in today's culture and embraces this reality. The official responses are geared on mitigating the damage done to individuals and the community. The amended Opium Act of 1976 serves as the foundation for the nation's drug policy.

FATF Plenary June 2022 the Key Outcomes

At the last general assembly meeting of the FATF, which was held with delegates from more than 200 jurisdictions between 14-17 June 2022, the sanctions to be applied to Russia, the evaluation of Germany and the Netherlands were discuss.

Financial Intelligence Unit-The Netherlands

According to the Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism (Prevention) Act (Wwft), the Financial Intelligence Unit-Netherlands is the authority to report suspicious transactions for organizations that are obliged to report.