#financial crime

Don’t risk your business.


Phishing is a deceptive practice where attackers trick individuals into revealing personal information, leading to identity theft and financial loss.

The Ultimate Guide to Fraud Detection and Prevention

Uncover the intricacies of fraud in the digital age, exploring types, common methods, impacts, and cutting-edge detection technologies, including AI and biometrics, to safeguard against financial and cyber fraud.

Romance Scam

Romance scams involve fraudsters who create fake profiles to manipulate individuals into sending money or personal information, often using emotional manipulation and fabricated stories of hardship.

Sixth Anti-Money Laundering Directive (6AMLD)

The Sixth AML Directive (6AMLD) and its crucial role in preventing money laundering, ensuring AML compliance, and implementing stringent measures for financial crime prevention in the European Union.

Know Your Patient (KYP)

Know Your Patient (KYP) is a critical compliance process in healthcare aimed at verifying patient identities to protect their data and prevent identity fraud.