Most Important Sanction and Watchlists

Blog / Most Important Sanction and Watchlists

Sanction list and watchlists are critical indicators in the fight against financial crimes such as money laundering and terrorist financing. These lists assist financial institutions and businesses in identifying high-risk individuals or organizations and preventing illegal activity. 

While there are many lists made by both local and international regulatory bodies, the most important globally are lists such as the OFAC, UN sanction lists and Interpol's watchlist. To avoid financial crimes and ensure compliance, businesses must be able to identify high-risk individuals on those lists using new anti-money laundering technologies, such as AI-powered solutions.  

Importance of Payments on Account

What are Sanction Lists and Watchlists?

Sanction Lists: Sanction lists are official compilations of individuals, entities, and countries that are subject to various restrictions or penalties. Governments or international bodies typically impose these sanctions for reasons such as involvement in illegal activities, terrorism, or human rights violations

Watchlists: A watchlist is a collection of names of individuals or entities under heightened scrutiny due to suspected involvement in criminal activities. These people or organizations are not necessarily subject to legal penalties, but their behavior raises red flags. Watchlists are used to identify potential risks and allow organizations to take precautionary actions, such as delaying a transaction or conducting enhanced due diligence (EDD).

Although there are many sanctions and watchlists worldwide, the most important ones are listed below.

Top 10 Most Important Sanction and Watchlists

Global compliance requires organizations to screen against various important sanction lists and watchlists. Some of the most important sanction and watchlists include: aa

List Overview Key Features Importance
UNSC Consolidated List A list of all individuals, groups, and other entities sanctioned by the United Nations. This includes asset freezes, travel bans, and arms embargoes. Compliance is mandatory for all UN member states, making it one of the most globally influential sanction lists.
World Bank Listing of Ineligible Firms and Individuals Individuals and companies are prohibited from participating in projects funded by the World Bank. Includes debarment from future projects and other penalties. Affects international development efforts and businesses involved in World Bank projects.
OFAC's Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) List Individuals, groups, or other entities sanctioned by the US for terrorism, drug trafficking, and other activities posing a threat to US national security, foreign policy, or economic policy. Includes asset freezes and seizures as well as travel bans. Non-compliance can result in severe penalties, including hefty fines and restrictions on doing business with U.S. entities.
Asian Bank Debarred Firms List A list of entities and individuals debarred from participating in Asian Development Bank-financed projects. Includes sanctions for fraudulent and corrupt activities, and a minimum 3-year debarment period. Ensures integrity and compliance in Asian markets, and prevents fraud and corruption.
European Union Consolidated Financial Sanctions List A list of individuals, groups and other entities subject to financial sanctions by the European Union. Includes sanctions for fraudulent and corrupt activities, and a minimum 3-year debarment period. Affects businesses operating within or with the EU, making compliance crucial for international trade.
UK's HM Treasury Sanctions List A list of all individuals, groups, and other entities sanctioned by the United Kingdom. Includes asset freezes, travel bans, and trade restrictions. Post-Brexit, the UK has its own sanctions regime, making it essential for businesses to stay updated on UK-specific sanctions.
FBI's Most Wanted WatchlistA list of fugitives wanted by the FBI for serious crimes like terrorism, murder and kidnapping.Includes profiles of high-risk fugitives, rewards, global law enforcement collaboration.Crucial for capturing dangerous criminals, enhancing public safety and supporting global-crime fighting efforts.
Interpol's WatchlistGlobal list of individuals and entities sought for serious crimes, maintained by INTERPOL.Includes red notices, international cooperation, real-time alerts and cross-border tracking of high-profile criminals. Essential for coordinating international searches and addressing cross-border criminal activities efficiently.
Europol's Most Wanted FugitivesA list of Europe's most wanted fugitives managed by Europol.Includes European-wide arrest alerts, collaboration with national police forces and public appeal. Essential for tracking and apprehending Europe's most dangerous criminals and improving regional safety.
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions List List of entities and individuals under regulatory scrutiny by Canada due to financial misconduct. Includes sanctions for financial misconduct, compliance enforcement and impact on financial institutions in Canada.Enforcing compliance and helps the fight against financial crime.

What Is the OFAC Sanction List and Its Significance in AML?

The OFAC sanction list is one of the most widely used and essential sanction lists in the world, particularly for businesses with operations or transactions involving the U.S. This list includes individuals, entities, and countries involved in illegal activities. Companies that fail to adhere to OFAC's sanctions can face severe penalties, including hefty fines, loss of reputation, and criminal charges.

OFAC's watchlist plays a crucial role in AML compliance for U.S.-based and international businesses. In 2023, the U.S. government collected over $1.5 billion in fines from companies that violated OFAC sanctions that year.

OFAC 50% Rule and Its Implications

One of the important aspects of OFAC’s sanctions is the 50% rule, which stresses that any entity that is 50% or more owned by a sanctioned individual or entity is subject to sanctions, even if it is not explicitly listed on the OFAC sanctions list. This rule means that businesses must carefully monitor the ownership structures of their customers and business partners to avoid violating sanctions.

SDN List for AML and Watchlist Screening

OFAC’s Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) List is one of the most vital elements of AML and sanctions compliance. The SDN List includes individuals and entities that are blocked from conducting business with U.S. citizens or companies due to their involvement in criminal activities such as terrorism, drug trafficking, or the proliferation of illicit weapons.

Financial institutions and businesses are required to screen their clients and transactions against the SDN list regularly to ensure compliance. Any transaction involving an SDN is subject to reporting and possible blocking by the U.S. government. 

Other Major Sanctions Lists in the World


UK Treasury Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI) Sanctions List The UK Treasury OFSI Sanctions List details individuals and entities subject to UK's financial sanctions regulations.
EU - Restrictions for the Export of Dual - Use Goods Regulates EU export controls on dual-use goods that can be used for civilian and military purposes. 
African Development Bank Sanction List Identifies individuals and entities sanctioned by the African Development Bank for policy violations and misconduct. 
European Bank for R&D Sanctions Lists entities and individuals sanctioned by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for non-compliance.
Consolidated Canadian Autonomous Sanctions List Consolidates Canada's sanctions against individuals and entities based on national security and foreign policy objectives. 
Australian Sanctions Office (ASO) List Identifies individuals and entities subject to Australia's financial and trade sanctions, enforced by the ASO.
Chinese Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) Sanction List Lists sanctions by MOFCOM on entities violating trade and export control laws to protect economic interests.

EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa)

UAE List of Designated Terrorist Organisations and Groups Lists terrorist groups and individuals designated by the UAE for counter-terrorism measures.
Bahrain Terrorist Organisations List Details organisations and individuals sanctioned by Bahrain for terrorism-related activities.
Qatar Ministry of Interior NCTC Sanction List Sanctions individuals and entities by Qatar’s NCTC for terrorism and related threats.
Trésor Direction Générale Economic Sanctions List French sanctions list targeting entities and individuals for economic and financial restrictions.
Belgium Federal Public Service Finance National and European Sanctions Includes Belgium’s national and EU sanctions lists for financial and economic restrictions.
Israel Ministry of Defense Sanction List Details sanctions imposed by Israel’s Ministry of Defense on entities and individuals.
Netherlands Domestic Terrorism List Lists domestic entities and individuals in the Netherlands designated for terrorism-related activities.

APAC (Asia-Pacific)

Japan Ministry of Finance Economic Sanctions List Enforces Japan's economic sanctions on entities and individuals involved in prohibited financial activities.
Singapore First Schedule of the Terrorism Act Details individuals and groups banned under Singapore's Terrorism Act for security and anti-terrorism measures.
India's Banned Organizations List Contains groups and entities prohibited in India due to involvement in terrorism or subversive activities.
New Zealand Police Designated Terrorists List Identifies individuals deemed terrorists by New Zealand Police under anti-terrorism regulations.
Vietnam Ministry of Public Security Sanction of Terrorism List Lists sanctioned individuals and organizations by Vietnam’s Ministry of Public Security for terrorism-related threats.
Thailand Designated Person List Records individuals and entities in Thailand designated for terrorism and related illegal activities.
FIA Pakistan Terrorist List Details of individuals and groups sanctioned by Pakistan's Federal Investigation Agency for terrorism.

Other Major Watchlists in the World


International Organization of Securities Commissions Warnings Issues warnings regarding non-compliant financial entities or practices globally as per IOSCO guidelines.
European Commission Banned Airlines Lists airlines prohibited from operating in the EU due to safety or regulatory concerns.
Inter American Development Bank Sanction List Identifies entities and individuals barred from IDB-funded projects due to ethical breaches or corruption.
World Bank Star Asset Recovery Watch Tracks high-profile asset recovery cases related to corruption involving World Bank projects.
UN ICTR Indictment List Lists individuals indicted by the UN International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda for serious crimes.
FATF High Risk and Other Monitored Jurisdictions Identifies countries with strategic AML deficiencies, under scrutiny by the Financial Action Task Force.
EU List of Non-Cooperative Jurisdictions for Tax Purposes Highlights jurisdictions failing to comply with international tax transparency standards set by the EU.

Fundamentals of Screening Global Watchlists,

EMEA (Europe, the Middle East and Africa)

Dubai Financial Services Authority Regulatory Actions Documents regulatory measures taken by DFSA against non-compliant financial entities operating in Dubai.
Qatar Financial Center Enforcement Press Releases and Notices Announces enforcement actions and regulatory updates from Qatar Financial Center, including penalties and sanctions.
United Arab Emirates Securities and Commodities Authority Warnings Issues warnings regarding unauthorized activities and non-compliant entities in UAE's financial markets.
Germany Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht Regulates and supervises financial services in Germany, enforcing compliance with national financial regulations.
Autorité des marchés financiers Investor Warnings Alerts investors to potential risks and fraudulent schemes in the French financial markets.
Switzerland FINMA Unauthorized Services Lists financial services and entities in Switzerland operating without necessary authorization from FINMA.
South Africa Targeted Financial Sanctions List Details individuals and entities subject to financial sanctions under South Africa’s targeted measures.

APAC (Asia-Pacific)

Australia ASIC Notices Announces regulatory actions and compliance issues involving Australian Securities and Investments Commission.
Financial Markets Authority of New Zealand Warnings Alerts on financial activities and entities in New Zealand deemed risky or non-compliant by FMA.
China NBS Seriously Dishonest Enterprises List Identifies enterprises in China with severe dishonesty issues affecting their credit and operations.
FIU India Orders List Lists orders issued by India's Financial Intelligence Unit against suspicious financial activities.
South Korea Financial Supervisory Service Investor List Provides information on investors and financial entities under scrutiny by South Korea’s FSS.
Philippines Trade Watch List Tracks entities involved in trade activities that may be subject to regulatory oversight in the Philippines.
NPSC (Japan) - Terrorist List Lists individuals and groups designated as terrorists by Japan’s National Police Safety Commission.

The Role of Watchlists in AML and KYC Processes

Watchlists are essential for identifying high-risk individuals and entities during KYC and AML processes. Watchlists are also critical for ongoing monitoring, ensuring that businesses continuously review their clients' risk profiles.

The role of watchlists in KYC is highlighted by global regulatory standards such as those established by the FATF, which requires businesses to perform customer due diligence (CDD) on individuals or entities that appear on watchlists.

Integrating Sanctions and Watchlists in AML Software

To manage the difficulties of AML compliance, businesses are increasingly turning to AML software solutions that integrate sanctions and watchlists into their systems. These tools help automate the screening process, making it easier for businesses to identify high-risk individuals and entities in real-time. AML software solutions use advanced algorithms to analyze customer data and verify it with global sanction lists and watchlists, ensuring that no high-risk entities go undetected.

How Sanction Scanner Enhances AML Compliance with Comprehensive Sanction and Watchlist Integration

Sanction Scanner provides a robust AML compliance solution by integrating a wide array of global sanction lists and watchlists into its platform. This allows businesses to perform real-time screening of customers and transactions and reduces the risk of doing business with sanctioned individuals or entities. Sanction Scanner’s platform ensures that businesses remain compliant with international regulatory standards.

Additionally, Sanction Scanner’s solution is updated regularly to reflect the latest changes to global sanction lists. This continuous monitoring, combined with detailed reports and alerts, helps businesses effectively manage risk and avoid regulatory penalties.

To streamline your sanction list and watchlist screenings, contact us or request a demo today.

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